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Webshop trustmark
The Foundation Webshop Trustmark (Stichting Webshop Keurmerk) is since 2001 the association of shops that primarily offer products and services through internet. With more than 5000 TRUSTED STORES the Stichting is the largest acknowledged Keurmerk in the Netherlands. The Webshop Keurmerk aims to protect consumers against webshops that are not reliable.
Instead of other certifiers the Webshop Keurmerk is independent and all members aim to protect the interest of consumers as good as possible.
The Webshop Keurmerk was founded when the Dutch Consumentenbond (Bond of Consumers) announced to end the activities regarding the Webtrader-logo. A lot of webshops who were allowed to use the Webtrader-logo on their site, decided to become a member of the Webshop Keurmerk. The by the Webshop Keurmerk used conditions are based on the (former) conditions the Consumentenbond.
The members of the Webshop Keurmerk are obliged to meet to European and Dutch laws and the Keurmerk-code. Webshop Keurmerk also aims to regain trust of consumers regarding internetbuys, per telephone, catalogus and mail.
The members of the Webshop Keurmerk have to comply to the conditions. Webshop Keurmerk checks the members and mediates when problems arise.
A member of the Webshop Keurmerk has a privacyprotocol that aims that the personal information of an internetconsumer will not be misused.
When a webshop doesn’t comply with the rules the consumer can file a complaint, after which the Webshop Keurmerk investigates the complaint and will try to solve the problem.
In cases that the problem is not solved and the Webshop Keurmerk has the opinion this is due to the member webshop, the possibility excists that the membership will be ended.
In 2005 the management of the Webshop Keurmerk has been transferred. The new manager, who has a lot of experience and knowledge on the field of consumerbusiness and law, will ensure that for every consumer it is clear that a member of the Webshop Keurmerk is safe and reliable.